Learn everything or don't learn

Learn everything or don't learn


3 min read

Learning web development is a very beautiful thing. You can get a job from it, do freelance work, or just as a hobby, but I am here to clarify some points about learning web development. Web development is easy, but not as easy as you expect. Let us not disagree that the development profession is basically based on two basic skills, the first is the ability to solve problems, and the second is perseverance. It is a difficult job but on the other hand it is a rewarding job but to be a capable web developer you must learn more than just the basics.

Choose The Source To Learn Carefully

These days, it's easy for anyone to stand in front of the camera and say I've been in the field for twenty years. Come on, join my course, and no one knows about his background. Before you participate in any course or buy any book, go to the MDN website, it is the main reference for web development. From there, you can learn the basics. After that, look at those who provide you with additional value. It must be a complete guide to a specific language or technology and stick with this source. At this time, do not distract yourself with other sources, they may have a different educational orientation that distracts you in your main source of learning.

Take Notes

Do not stare at the screen as if you are watching a series on Netflix or reading a book as if you are reading a novel. Bring a notebook and pens and write your notes on every point you see, whether it is important or self-evident. This will help you later as your reference.

Time To Practice

Your education must include lots and lots of practical training because at the end of the day this is a practical skill, not a scientific one. Always make sure to save your training projects in git repositories for future reference if you want to see how to implement a specific principle and the steps to implement it (this is why it is very important to learn how to work with git from the beginning). It's ok to spend a year or more learning don't rush but persevere you may have heard or read that someone has learned in a month or two don't bother remember that this education is for yourself and not for the competition of others.

What Comes After ?

After completing the learning process from the complete guide, go and test your abilities in creating websites and web applications. There are sites that offer challenges for developers such as frontend mentor . After that make your portfolio. And start flying your ideas and implement them on the ground. This is how you become a web developer.

In The End

Learning in one month is a lie. You will barely learn the basics of HTML and CSS in one month. In one month you hardly learn the basics and the basics alone will not make you a web developer. If you want to make a site with the basics of HTML and CSS, it is preferable to use sites that offer ready-made templates, their design can be better than what you come up with. If you are learning JavaScript, do not look at how to make a website, but rather how to make a web application, because here lies the strength of JavaScript in the frontend